Our donors

73,2% of the gross receipts came from EU funds, specifically for projects funded by the Directorate-General for Justice. In particular, Antigone is the leading NGO of two projects, i.e. the European Prison Observatories on Prison Conditions and on Alternative Measures (www.europeanprisonobservatory.org).

Which means that a significant amount of the funds Antigone receives (3/5 on the total) go to the seven European partners of the projects, based respectively in Greece, Spain, France, England, Portugal, Poland and Lithuania. In these two projects are also involved the Universities of Torino and Padova, two of the cities where Antigone has its local branches. In the other European projects Antigone is a partner organization. In particular, one is about monitoring pre-trial practices and the other about strengthening infectious diseases monitoring in prison. Antigone is also a member of an European network called Justitia, which deals with the rights of people in pre-trial detention and has 15 European partners. 14,1% of the gross receipts were from international foundations. In one of this project the University of Roma Tre is a partner: a joint project has been realized, used to co-finance the research grant. Beyond that, we published a report about non-national prisoners in Italy and launched an information service for immigrant prisoners. Another project focuses on foreign prisoners and the lack of recognition of their rights. A part of the project, realized in collaboration with Asgi, consisted in providing legal support to the non-national inmates in the Roman prison of Regina Coeli. 6,2% of Antigone’s funds came from the Waldesian Church, for projects financed thanks to the 8x1000. These resources allowed Antigone to continue its three strategical projects: the Italian Observatory on Prison Conditions for Adults (about 50 volunteer observers visit each year almost all the national prisons and then Antigone publishes an annual report); the Italian Observatory on Prison Conditions for Juveniles (all the juveniles have been visited and the third annual report has been is going to be presented soon); the Office of the Ombudsman of People Deprived of their Freedom (about 400 requests per year of legal support and assistance from prisoners all over Italy). 4,1% were Uisp funds for a project which, in turn , is funded by Fondazione Sud in order to promote sport activities in juveniles prisons. Antigone’s role consists in enhancing the implementation of those activities through adovocacy and campaigning. 1,4% of funds came from membership fees, donations, 5x1000 and subscription to our periodical magazine Antigone. The remaining 1% can be ascribed to small training and research projects.